21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (2024)

These vegan preserved food recipes will keep you full and healthy – and last for ages!

By Lora O’Brien

In case you’ve been living under a rock and managed to miss the hysteria surrounding the coronavirus, the world is kind of going nuts. People are stockpiling everything from pasta to baked beans, and there’s a worldwide shortage of toilet paper, apparently. I queued for TWO HOURS in a virtual line up to buy food online – because my local supermarket had nothing but tumbleweed rolling about at the time.

But you know what? Many of us – myself included – would be much more chill if we just did as our ancestors did and preserved food.

Think about it – how many times have you had to throw out bananas or other fruit because you just couldn’t eat it before it went off? Have you ever tossed out veggies because you thought: “I just don’t know how I’m going to use these before they go bad’. This is nuts, people! We’ve become so used to a steady supply of food that we’ve taken the stuff for granted. And it’s time to change that.

For starters, if you already don’t know how to, it’s time to learn to cook. It’s really not rocket science; all you need are a few tools, like a hand mixer or blender, knives and some decent pots, and a recipe that’s easy to follow. So many of us today rely not only on supermarkets and ready made foods, but worse yet – services like Deliveroo to bring us hot, freshly made food. It’s such a waste of resources (packaging, petrol) when you can easily make the same dishes yourself!

Secondly, we all need to learn how to use up whatever leftover foods we have. That’s easy when you have a few good recipes for leftovers on hand, but creativity is also key.

And finally, we need to learn how to preserve foods like our great grandparents did. That means canning, pickling, dehydrating and freezing foods that are abundant now, but may not be later.

Preparation Is Key

It’s always wise to buy loads of dried food that lasts for ages, like rice, lentils, chickpeas, beans, popcorn, pasta and so on. If you’re making any of the preserve recipes below, of course you’ll need some jars, and for freezing, you’ll need some plastic or glass containers. For dry goods, store them in airtight jars – it’s the easiest and most eco-friendly option. But if you’re low on space, Ziplock bags will do.

How To Store Food Right

If you’re buying up a lot of food to use later, it’s not much use if you don’t store it properly and it all goes bad. Here are some tips to follow:

Potatoes: should be stored in a cool, dark place in a cloth or paper bag

Tomatoes: keep green tomatoes stem side down in a paper bag or in a cardboard box. Place in a cool area until they turn red. Perfectly ripe tomatoes should be kept at room temperature on the counter away from sunlight

Apples: The idealstoragetemperature is 30 to 35 degrees F. with 90 to 95 percent relative humidity. If you don’t have a lot ofapples, the refrigerator is a good option. For more than the fridge can handle, look for a cool, dark place that’s relatively humid, such as a cellar or garage. It’s best if the temperature stays close to freezing – but not below! Wrap each apple — preferably with the stem on — in a piece of newspaper to keep the apples separate. Use larger apples first, as these tend to be the first to soften

Onions: Whole onions and shallots should be stored in a cool, dry, dark, well-ventilated room like a pantry or cellar. Peeled onionscan bestoredin the fridge for 10–14 days, while sliced or cutonionscan be refrigerated for 7–10 days


Drying is probably the oldest method when it comes to preserving food. Of course, it’s a lot easier today with the invention of dehydrators! The process of dehydrating involves exposing fruits, vegetables and herbs to a temperature that is high enough to remove moisture from the food, but low enough so that they don’t actually cook.

You can either buy a dehydrator, like this one, or you can use a toaster oven on a very, very low setting to get the same effect. Learn more about dehydrating food here. Most dried fruits can be kept for up to a year at 60 degrees F, while dehydrated veggies last about six months.


I think it’s crazy that so many people empty out the frozen food section when you can easily freeze your own grub – even fresh fruits and veggies can be popped into the freezer, no problem! .Just make sure they’re super fresh when they go into the freezer and keep them frozen at 0 degrees F.

If it’s veggies that you’re freezing, then blanch and then submerge them in ice water beforehand. Afterwards, dry thoroughly with paper towels or a tea-towel. The blanching process helps the veggies to retain their colour, flavour and nutrients before freezing. Fruit will last around a year, veggies 18 months.

But you can also fill your freezer with flavourful dishes you make yourself, like soups and stews! Cook them in huge batches and freeze them in glass containers. Simply defrost the night before and reheat the next day.


If you frequently buy tinned food – stop! It’s super cheap and easy to make your own preserved vegan food recipes with just a few items.

First, you’ll need some jars. Sterilise your jars and lids in simmering water for a few minutes. Then, they’ll ready to be filled with things such as jam, salsa and sauces. Once your jars are loaded, pop the lid on firmly but not too tightly.

Lower the jars into a large pot of water, cover it and bring it to a boil, letting the jars process for about 10 minutes. Once done, remove the jars from the water and allow them to cool. They will have automatically vacuum sealed, as their internal temperature drops.

Enjoy canned goods within a year for maximum quality. After this time period, the quality of flavour may deplete a little bit. Need more canning tips? Click here.

Now that you’ve got the basic staples from the supermarket and the basic skills you need, let’s get on with our 20+ preserved food ideas!

Below, vegan kimchi. Get the recipe here.

21 Vegan Preserved Food Recipes

21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (1)

1. Healthy 5 Ingredient Granola Bars

Sure, you can buy commercial granola bars that will keep for ages at home. But personally. I tend to down those whenever I’m bored. And if I’m stuck at home for whatever reason, I’m bored a lot, believe me! When you put the time and effort into making your own food, you tend to appreciate every little bite a bit more, and that’s why I love making this granola bar recipe.

With only 5 ingredients – dates, oats, nuts, maple syrup and nut butter, this is one of the easiest preserved food ideas to make. If you seal these in an airtight container, they’ll last for weeks. And they’re a great plastic-free gift when packaged nicely and paired with some of the other preserved food ideas for vegans, below.

Get the recipe here.

21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (2)

2. Homemade Applesauce

This is one of the most well known – and tastiest – preserved vegan food recipes! Apples store for quite awhile, and there’s plenty you can do with them: dry them, or make an apple jam, for example. But if you have a good store of applesauce on hand, it’s a wonderful supplement to many foods: enjoy a dollop on granola, in vegan yogurt, on banana bread, or just enjoy it on its own! It’s an especially important recipe if you have little kids at home.

Get the recipe here.

21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (3)

3. High Raw Beet and Hemp Granola

Got some beets and not sure what to do with them before they spoil? Turn them into this beautifully hued granola. This is one of the most beautiful preserved vegan food recipes. But it is also delicious, and more importantly, it’s packed with nutrition. Tip: Dehydrating it will make it last even longer! Serve with almond milk, or just munch it as a snack.

Get the recipe here.

21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (4)

4. Spicy Tomato Dehydrated Kale Chips

I love eating kale. But frankly, I always tend to find it wilted in the back of the fridge before I get to use it. If, like me, you have some hanging around you need to use up, then you need this preserved vegan food recipe now! They’re dehydrated to preserve all of their enzymes and nutrients, but you and make these in an oven or a dehydrator.

Get the recipe here.

21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (5)

5. Dehydrated Vegetable Crisps

Struggling to get hold of your favourite fried snacks? Honestly, make these vegetable crisps and you’ll never look back. I am OBSESSED with dried veggie crisps! With just a little added sea salt, they’re oh-so-easy to make – and are a bit addictive, too! This recipe uses zucchini, squash, yams and carrots but I also love using beetroot, parsnip and sweet potato. Keep them in Ziplock bags to keep them fresh for weeks.

Get the recipe here.

21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (6)

6. Basil Garlic Tomato Sauce

Forget sugar-filled, store bought pasta sauces – make your own healthier version instead! This sweet, savoury and tart basil and garlic tomato sauce is one of my fave preserved food ideas. It’s simply seasoned to perfection! This sauce will easily last 18 months if you can it correctly in a dark, cool area. Once opened, it will keep in your fridge for up to 7 days. Perfect for a weeknight pasta dish, this is one of those preserved vegan food ideas everyone will enjoy.

Get the recipe here.

21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (7)

7. Cilantro-Lime Enchilada Sauce

This sauce is such a fabulous recipe to make for Mexican food lovers! Once canned, it can last up to a year in your pantry and is great to add some flavour to your favourite dishes, like tacos, enchiladas, or burritos.

Get the recipe here.

21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (8)

8. Pickled Red Onions

I love anything that’s pickled! Onions, cucumbers, gherkins…there’s something about the tanginess that has me salivating and going back for more. I always keep a jar of pickled red onions in my fridge and throw them on everything: salads, sandwiches even pasta! Onions are also a great way to stave off colds.

Get the recipe here.

21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (9)

9. Pickles With Garlic & Dill

If you’re a fellow crunchy pickle lover like me, then this will be one of your favourite preserved vegan food recipes! These New York-style pickles are crispy, crunchy and full of flavour. They are fermented in salt brine and get their tanginess from light fermentation rather than vinegar. Full of healthy, gut-healing, immunity-boosting probiotics, they’re incredibly good for us.

Get the recipe here.

21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (10)

10. Canned Tomato Salsa

I literally add some spicy salsa onto anything I can. I love dipping chips in it, I love smearing it on crackers and I even use it as a topping for a jacket potatoes. This canned salsa is one of the best perfect preserved food ideas for TexMex fans, and will last up to a year. The bes part? It’s made with essential pantry ingredients that most of us have on hand anyway.

Get the recipe here.

21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (11)

11. Cheezy Kale Crackers

Don’t let the snack attack strike and have nothing in your cupboards to satisfy your cravings! The flavour of these cheezy kale crackers is enhanced when you dehydrate them, and it’s another great recipe to make and store in jars or Ziplock bags. One of my personal, go-to preserved vegan food ideas. And it’s perfect with a big dollop of hummus, too!

Get the recipe here.

21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (12)

12. Dehydrated Eggplant ‘Bacon’

It’s essential that you make and store food that you’re going to enjoy snacking on, and this dehydrated eggplant bacon is superb. You can eat it by itself as a snack, or use it in meals; break up and sprinkle in a salad or use it in sandwiches. It has a great smoky flavour and is a perfect meat-free alternative. This is one of the best preserved food ideas for using in pastas, too.

Get the recipe here.

21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (13)

13. Dehydrated Risotto

This isn’t one of the easiest preserved vegan food ideas to make. But it will allow you to tuck into a bowl of homemade risotto any time, any place! You can choose to preserve it by dehydrating it, but frankly, it’s also super easy to simply freeze. It’s the perfect meal on a rainy day or a chilly night! Simply rehydrate in boiling water or allow it to thaw for 24 hours before heating it up and tucking in.

Get the recipe here.

21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (14)

14. Turmeric Jalapeño Sauerkraut

Sure, making your own fermented sauerkraut may seem daunting, but it’s actually pretty foolproof. All you’ll need to do is ‘massage’ the cabbage with clean hands to work out the juices for about 5 minutes, before stirring in the other ingredients. Pour in a mix of 1 cup filtered water to 1 teaspoon salt. Cover with a coffee filter and secure with a rubber band and you’re good to ferment this for at least 10 – 14 days to allow the good bacteria to grow. It’sa great immunity booster, too!

Get the recipe here.

21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (15)

15. Pink Lentil Soup

With increasing food shortages here in the UK, there are lots of vulnerable people in need of assistance in getting meals. I added this jar recipe because I thought it was such a wonderful way to spread the love and help someone out during this time.

We all have old jars hanging about, so make these and gift them to people in need. All they have to do is cook the lentils in a bit of water, and add the dehydrated sachet, and they have a healthy meal ready to go.

Get the recipe here.

21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (16)

16. Bread & Butter Pickles

Are you a bit of a sandwich fanatic? Then in all honesty, this is one of the best preserved vegan food recipes for you! Bread and butter pickles are sweet, tangy, and go oh-so-well with just about any kind of sandwich combo you can imagine.

Get the recipe here.

21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (17)

17. Vegetable Preserves

Speaking of sandwiches, how would you like a steady supply of veggie preserves that taste amazing between two toasted slices? Whether you choose red peppers, eggplant, tomatoes or mushrooms, when they’re soaked in a herb and garlic-infused olive oil bath, they’ll be tasty as heck! Add them to pasta or rice dishes, or just eat them out of the jar. Yum! It’s also another of our preserved vegan food recipes that’s great for gifting.

Get the recipe here.

21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (18)

18. Homemade Strawberry Jam

What’s one of the first preserved vegan food ideas that comes to mind for you? For me, it’s strawberry jam! Make yours from organic strawberries for sure though – did you know these berries are by far one of the most heavily sprayed with pesticides?

There are many uses for strawberry jam; use it as a topping for both pancakes and French toast, or as a scrummy filling for crepes, doughnuts and thumbprint cookies. This jam stores for up to 18 months in a dark, cool place. All you need are a bunch of Mason jars, sugar and fruit!

Get the recipe here.

21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (19)

19. Banana Chips

Bananas are a staple food for many of us, but they can ripen super quick and there are only so many smoothies you can stomach, am I right? This is one of the easiest preserved vegan food ideas to make, and is heaps more affordable than the price of store-bought banana chips.

Keep them plain, or add some cinnamon or nutmeg. You can snack on these as are, or add them to some granola or trail mix, or even bake them into cookies!

Get the recipe here.

21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (20)

20. Fruit Roll-Ups

This is one of the most essential preserved food ideas if you have kids! The best thing about making fruit rolls ups is that you can pretty much use any fruit combination you like. Strawberries, raspberries, mango, peaches, apricots, apples…and you can even use frozen fruit if that’s all you have on hand. Perfect for packing into lunches!

Get the recipe here.

21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (21)

21. Homemade Nut Butters

One of the best preserved vegan food ideas you can make to fill your belly and keep you healthy is a good nut butter. Choose any nut you like, but you can bet there will be loads of protein, vitamin E and fibre in this treat. Smear it on crackers, fruit roll ups, toast, or even on some banana bread for a delish boost of vegan protein! This recipe below, for almond butter, will keep for years when properly canned. Great for gifting with some homemade crackers!

Get the recipe here.

21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (22)

Have you tried to make any of these preserved vegan food recipes? Let us know in the comments, below!

Main image credit here.

  • Author
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Lora O'Brien

Food Editor at Eluxe Magazine

After graduating in Journalism from the University of Greenwich, Lora worked for Sugar and Healing Lifestyles magazines in London before being hired to write about food for Eluxe. She’s recently become a new mom to baby Lulla, and is writing a blog about the experience of being a new mom. See more about Lora here.

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21 Preserved Vegan Food Recipes To Try (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.