Facts and figures on the Dutch payment system in 2022 (2024)

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Facts and figures on the Dutch payment system in 2022 (2)

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    Payments at points-of-sale

    The Dutch mostly pay with debit cards from Maestro or V PAY. These figures are about payments at points-of-sale with debit cards, credit cards and cash, including at town hall tellers, busses and trams and vending machines.

    Chip-and-pin vs. contactless

    By the end of 2022 the share of contactless payments with debit cards and credit cards had increased to 89%, up 2 percentage points from the previous year. Roughly on third of all contactless payments were made with smartphones and wearables (with built-in NFC-chip).

    Reverse card payments

    Reverse debit card payments (refunds) are offered by Dutch shops that reimburse customers when they return recently made purchases. They are particularly popular in clothing and furniture stores. The average amount for a reverse debit card payment in 2022 was roughly €48, about €3 more than in 2021.

    These reverse debit card payments are not the same as ‘card refunds’. Card refunds can only be made for the same card that was used to pay originally, without presenting the actual card. Reverse debit card payments can be made to any debit card and the card must be inserted or tapped at the payment terminal.

    Person-to-person payments

    Please note: figures for 2022 will follow later!

    Consumers make well over 500 million person-to-person payments per year, with cash, electronically with credit transfers and requests-to-pay and with various kinds of gift cards. The convenience of mobile requests-to-pay has boosted the number of electronic person-to-person payments, at the expense of mutual cash payments.

    Leading online payment methods

    We can show reliable online transaction figures for iDEAL. The figures for online credit card payments are rough estimates. iDEAL covers about 70% of the market for online payments in e-commerce. Credit cards cover over 10% of e-commerce payments. Other online payment methods are not shown in this diagram because we lack reliable figures.

    These figures cover every kind of online payment by Dutch residents, at domestic and foreign web shops, companies and institutions. For example, they include online payments for public services and mobile requests-to-pay with iDEAL between friends and relatives.

    E-Commerce payments by device

    Please note: figures for 2022 will follow later!

    The source of these figures is the Home Shopping Payment Monitor from Thuiswinkel.org, the Dutch trade organisation for online merchants. They represent online payments by Dutch consumers at online merchants in the Netherlands and abroad. Online payments outside of e-commerce, such as requests-to-pay between friends or payments for traffic violations, are not included.

    Giro-based payments

    Please note: figures for SEPA credit transfers and direct debits in 2022 will follow later!

    The figures for domestic giro-based payments – mostly credit transfers and direct debits – are from De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB, the Dutch national bank). The figures for domestic SEPA transfers include Instant Payments. Currently, over 40 million inter-bank SEPA transfers per month are processed as Instant Payments.

    The figures about Acceptgiro payment requests only cover paper forms that were submitted to banks. The vast majority of Acceptgiro payment requests (over 90%) are copied to online banking and become regular digital credit transfers. In the end, these Acceptgiro forms are thrown out as paper waste.

    Mobile banking and internet banking

    Please note: figures for 2022 will follow later!

    Almost nine in ten Dutch bank customers use mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) or internet banking (on desktops and laptops) for banking services. In 2018 the use of mobile devices for banking services surpassed the use of internet banking.

    More figures on online banking transactions by DNB…


    The Dutch banks launched the possibility to issue e-mandates through online banking in 2015. As a single mandate allows for multiple recurring direct debit payments over many years, the number of issued mandates per year is quite modest in comparison with the number of direct debits per year.

    Bank switching service

    These figures show the number of yearly applicants for the Dutch Bank Switching Service, business and private applicants alike. The Bank Switching Service allows bank customers to easily switch banks for payment services. Direct debits and account credits for the old account are automatically forwarded to the new account, for 13 months. The service also assists customers to inform creditors and debtors about the new account number.

    Availability of payment chains

    Chip-and-pin and contactless99.89%99.89%99.89%99.89%99.89%
    Mobile banking99.75%99.81%99.83%99.76%99.81%
    Internet banking99.72%99.78%99.88%99.77%99.81%

    Please note: figures for 2022 will follow later!

    The Dutch Payments Association monitors the availability of the Dutch payment system. DNB, the Dutch national bank, sets requirements for the overal availabilty of chip-and-pin and contactless. The minimal availability required by the regulator is set at 99.88%.

    The Payments Association also reports the availibility of internet banking (via websites) and mobile banking (with apps) for every quarter on its website.

    There are no formal requirements for internet banking or mobile banking but Dutch law dictates that online banking services may not be interrupted for more than two hours at a time.

    The availibility of iDEAL, the leading Dutch online payment method, is monitored by Currence. Currence tracks the average monthly availability of iDEAL as well as the real-time availability, hour by hour, going back for one week.

    Payment fraud

    This line chart shows the trend for fraud with bank payment services, for total fraud and for the biggest losses in giro-based payments (with online banking), for debit cards (with stolen cards) and for credit cards (with online payments).

    Cash withdrawals

    After two years of strict COVID restrictions in physical shops, cash withdrawals were slightly on the rise again in 2022, compared to 2021. The Dutch increasingly pay with debit cards. Still, the availability and accessibility of cash remains very good. Over 99.5 percent of Dutch residents live within 5 km of a cash dispense facility.

    Bank offices, ATMs and POS terminals

    Please note: figures for 2022 will follow later!

    The shift from cash to electronic payments is also apparent from the gradual decrease in the number of bank offices and ATMs and rapid increase of the number of payment terminals at points-of-sale.

    Payment instruments

    Please note: figures for 2022 will follow later!

    The number of payment accounts and payment cards in circulation has been quite stable in recent years because virtually all Dutch resident have a payment account with a debit card by the time they reach adulthood.

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    Regarding the concepts mentioned in this article, let's go through each one and provide relevant information:

    Payments at Points-of-Sale

    • In the Netherlands, the majority of payments at points-of-sale are made with debit cards from Maestro or V PAY.
    • These payments include transactions made with debit cards, credit cards, and cash, including at town hall tellers, buses and trams, and vending machines.

    Chip-and-Pin vs. Contactless Payments

    • By the end of 2022, the share of contactless payments with debit cards and credit cards in the Netherlands had increased to 89%, up 2 percentage points from the previous year.
    • Approximately one-third of all contactless payments were made with smartphones and wearables that have built-in NFC chips.

    Reverse Card Payments

    • Reverse debit card payments, also known as refunds, are offered by Dutch shops to reimburse customers when they return recently made purchases.
    • These payments are particularly popular in clothing and furniture stores.
    • The average amount for a reverse debit card payment in 2022 was roughly €48, which is about €3 more than in 2021.
    • It's important to note that reverse debit card payments are not the same as 'card refunds'. Card refunds can only be made for the same card that was used to make the original payment, without presenting the actual card. Reverse debit card payments, on the other hand, can be made to any debit card, and the card must be inserted or tapped at the payment terminal.

    Person-to-Person Payments

    • Dutch consumers make well over 500 million person-to-person payments per year using various payment methods such as cash, electronically with credit transfers and requests-to-pay, and with various kinds of gift cards.
    • The convenience of mobile requests-to-pay has boosted the number of electronic person-to-person payments, reducing the use of cash for such transactions.

    Leading Online Payment Methods

    • iDEAL is the leading online payment method in the Netherlands, covering about 70% of the market for online payments in e-commerce.
    • Credit cards cover over 10% of e-commerce payments.
    • Other online payment methods are not shown in the provided diagram due to a lack of reliable figures.

    E-Commerce Payments by Device

    • Figures for 2022 are not available at the moment.
    • The Home Shopping Payment Monitor from Thuiswinkel.org provides reliable figures for online payments by Dutch consumers at online merchants in the Netherlands and abroad.
    • The figures represent online payments made using different devices, such as smartphones, tablets, desktops, and laptops.

    Giro-Based Payments

    • Figures for SEPA credit transfers and direct debits in 2022 are not available at the moment.
    • The figures for domestic giro-based payments, which mostly include credit transfers and direct debits, are from De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), the Dutch national bank.
    • The figures for domestic SEPA transfers include Instant Payments, with over 40 million inter-bank SEPA transfers per month being processed as Instant Payments.
    • The figures about Acceptgiro payment requests only cover paper forms that were submitted to banks. The majority of Acceptgiro payment requests are copied to online banking and become regular digital credit transfers.

    Mobile Banking and Internet Banking

    • Figures for 2022 are not available at the moment.
    • Almost nine in ten Dutch bank customers use mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) or internet banking (on desktops and laptops) for banking services.
    • The use of mobile devices for banking services surpassed the use of internet banking in 2018.


    • The Dutch banks launched the possibility to issue e-mandates through online banking in 2015.
    • The number of issued e-mandates per year is quite modest compared to the number of direct debits per year, as a single e-mandate allows for multiple recurring direct debit payments over many years.

    Bank Switching Service

    • The Bank Switching Service in the Netherlands allows bank customers to easily switch banks for payment services.
    • The service automatically forwards direct debits and account credits from the old account to the new account for 13 months.
    • It also assists customers in informing creditors and debtors about the new account number.
    • The figures provided show the number of yearly applicants for the Bank Switching Service, including both business and private applicants.

    Availability of Payment Chains

    • The availability of chip-and-pin and contactless payments, mobile banking, and internet banking in the Netherlands has been consistently high, with minimal interruptions.
    • The Dutch Payments Association monitors the availability of the Dutch payment system, and the Dutch national bank (DNB) sets requirements for overall availability.
    • The availability of iDEAL, the leading Dutch online payment method, is monitored by Currence.

    Payment Fraud

    • The provided line chart shows the trend for fraud with bank payment services in the Netherlands, including total fraud and the biggest losses in giro-based payments, debit cards, and credit cards.

    Cash Withdrawals

    • After two years of strict COVID restrictions in physical shops, cash withdrawals in the Netherlands were slightly on the rise again in 2022 compared to 2021.
    • However, the Dutch increasingly prefer to pay with debit cards.
    • The availability and accessibility of cash remain very good, with over 99.5% of Dutch residents living within 5 km of a cash dispense facility.

    Bank Offices, ATMs, and POS Terminals

    • The shift from cash to electronic payments in the Netherlands is reflected in the gradual decrease in the number of bank offices and ATMs, as well as the rapid increase in the number of payment terminals at points-of-sale.

    Payment Instruments

    • The number of payment accounts and payment cards in circulation in the Netherlands has been quite stable in recent years, as virtually all Dutch residents have a payment account with a debit card by the time they reach adulthood.

    Please note that the information provided above is based on the search results and may not cover all aspects of the concepts mentioned in the article. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!

    Facts and figures on the Dutch payment system in 2022 (2024)


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